Salina Island – Paradise near Sicily

Salina Island – Paradise near Sicily


Salina is an island in the Aeolian Islands north of Sicily. It is the second largest island in the archipelago. Salina is divided between three comuni: Santa Marina on the eastern coast, Malfa to the north, and Leni to the south-west. It is the greenest island of the Aeolian archipelago. Its name comes from the salt mines exploited in ancient times a lake, an abandoned village of Language. It is also famous for its starring role in the 1994 film Il Postino. Santa Marina Salina, the main port, is notable for its long, traffic-free main street, where chic boutiques and down-to-earth food shops occupy the ground floors of the substantial 19th-century houses built by those who made their fortune selling sweet Malvasia wine to the British.

salina Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina1 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina2 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina3 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina4 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina5 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina6 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina7 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina8 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina9 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina10 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina11 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina12 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina13 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina14 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina15 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina16 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina17 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina18 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

salina19 Salina Island   Paradise near Sicily

credit: Flavio Bernardotti

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