The Community Christian church building in Garden Grove is better known as The Crystal Cathedral. The building, designed by architect Philip Johnson, was completed in 1981 and seats 2,736 people. It is the largest glass building in the world. Unique building composed of 10,000 panes of glass forming a four-pointed star. Crystal Cathedral was created as a preaching and speaking church platform for Rev. Robert H. Schuller. Cathedral is the home base for the international Crystal Cathedral Ministries, including a congregation of over 10,000 members and the internationally televised Hour of Power.
credit: Sylvain Leprovost
credit: Aaron E. Silvers
credit: http2007
credit: mind on fire
credit: Paul!!!
credit: lightmatter
credit: loop_oh
credit: Bert Kaufmann
credit: Sylvain Leprovost
credit: Bert Kaufmann
credit: loop_oh
credit: loop_oh
credit: http2007
credit: astrocoz