Moshulu, originally named Kurt after Dr. Kurt Siemers, is a four-masted steel barque built by William Hamilton on the River Clyde in Scotland in 1904, and currently a floating restaurant docked in Penn’s Landing, Philadelphia. The interior is in the design of a luxury liner, which was done in a remodel in 1994, after a fire damaged it in 1989. The menu of a posh restaurant is inside this 100-year old ship is not by any means extensive. You will be able to enjoy fresh salads, wraps and meat entrees during the lunch hours for around $10-$30. This restaurant reminds people in Philadelphia that they are a port city.
credit: Ben Demey
credit: FaceMePLS
credit: Kevin Burkett
credit: pquan
credit: Kevin Burkett
credit: Tony Finan
credit: Tony Finan
credit: Kevin Burkett