The NMMBA is an aquarium located on the southern coast of Taiwan near Kenting in Checheng Township, Taiwan. The aim of establishing such museum, apart from biological education, commerce, culture, and recreation, is the respect for the environment. All service and exhibition areas are about more than 60 hectares, and the main facilities can be divided into 3 parts. Waters of Taiwan: Travel with a little drop, learning the water ecology from high mountains through rivermouths to the sea in Taiwan, and to see the whale shark, the biggest fish in the world. Coral Kingdom Pavilion: Housing an 80 meter underwater tunnel, the exhibit presents varied coral reef ecology in South China Sea. Waters of the World: Showing on the Earth extremely ancient, lofty, deep and cold ocean ecology topics, wherein the most characteristic part is the 10-meter-high acrylic viewing window of the Giant Kelp Tank, which is the highest in the world.
credit: Mr_Tom