Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is located in the geographic center of Australia, in the southwestern part of the Northern Territory. It lies west of the Simpson Desert, about 208 miles southwest of Alice Springs and 288 miles by road. The huge sandstone rock is 1,142 feet high and can be seen from miles around. It measures almost 6 miles in circumference and is known for appearing to be different colours at different times of day. The rock has been sacred to Aborigines for centuries and the local name Uluru was officially recognized in 1993. The name Uluru has no meaning and was a local family name. A flat dirt path surrounds the rock and can be completed in approximately 4 hours. The climb to the top is one mile long, much of which is at a steep angle. There is an entry fee of $25 per adult to enter the park, children may enter for free.
credit: swampa