Everyone of us love to decorate our desktop screen with beautiful and creatively designed wallpapers. The latest trend is using photo manipulated pictures as the wallpapers. Photo manipulation is an art where ordinary photos are transformed into something alluring, unexpected and totally out of the box.
credit: WJA1302
Tags: Adobe, Adobe Photoshop, backgrounds, butterfly, Chace Crawford, Chris Fawcett, Computer, Creative, desktop pictures, flowers, for, Knight, Manipulation, Manipulations, Photoshop, ps, scenery, sea side, serannade, wallpaper, wallpaper art, wallpaper manipulation, wallpaper photoshop
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Selecting a good PC case is an important step in building your computer. If you can not find any standart case, it is time to build your own one or make individual modification of a computer chassis. It is quite a personal choice to which one to get. Here are some inspiration made by Jeffrey Stephenson.
credit: IntelFreePress
Tags: art deco, atx case, Case Modding, case mods, Computer, computer cases, computers, Cool, cool pc cases, custom PCs, Design, design case, designs, htpc case, Jeffrey, Jeffrey Stephenson, modern case, pc case, PC Mod, quiet pc case, slipperyskip, Stephenson, wood pc case
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